Auditor =
- Must be Competent (kompetensi)
- Independensi
* In Appearance (Penampilan)
* In Act (Kenyataan)
Laporan Akuntansi
- L/K Akun manajemen = User Internal
- L/K Akun keuangan = User Eksternal
Accounting = Recording, Classifying, Summarizing.
Auditing =
- Recorded Information properly reflects the economics events that accurect during the accounting period
- Manajemen Labour
- Income Smoothing
Causes of information Risk
- Remoteness of information
- Biarses and motives of the provider
- Voluminous data
- ...
Revolving Information Risk
- User Verifies Information
- User shares information ris with Management
- Audited financial statement are provided
Kantor Audit
1. And Assurance Service (Pemeriksaan L/K)
2. An Attestation Service ( Jasa Atestasi)
Types Of Audit
- Operasional Audit
- Compliance Audit
- Financial Audit Statement
SPAP = Standar Profesi Akuntansi Publik
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